Friday, October 4, 2013

Lighting Experiment (and some leaf bug)

 Artificial Lighting
Sunday afternoon-ish and I find a leaf bug taking a stroll across the road. This one just makes me laugh. It's just looking at the camera like "Hey, bro." I got this shot on accident, actually. I usually try to stop the flash from going off but it did. I like the leaf bug shots because you can actually see his eyes looking at the camera. (More of the leaf bug to come!)
 Back Lighting
It was kind of dark in the house and there was light pouring in through the curtains. I had to take advantage of that and take a kind of shot I had never done before, a silhouette. Obviously, this is back lighting for literal reasons. The light is coming from behind. 
 Dusk Lighting
Once again, this is pretty literal. I decided the best way to capture the essence of dusk lighting was to take a picture of the light source. There also happened to be a cool-looking sky at the time.
 Front Lighting
Yes, I know, I have a lot of pictures with me as the subject. Having two people in the house most of the time makes me the only subject available when I want pictures with people. I wanted a flashlight-in-the-dark shot for the front lighting because, I mean, it's literally front lighting.
 Hard Lighting
This is when the leaf bug was on the street. I liked the sun reflecting off the street in the background. With so much sunlight taking over the shot, I think this is an example of harsh lighting. I wouldn't say it's soft lighting in there.
 Midday Lighting
I loved this shot. It looks like the leaf bug is taking a step off the ledge. Or like he's taking a step of faith (Indiana Jones reference to the Bridge of Faith). I took this one around midday so I would say this is midday lighting.
 Side Lighting
Leaf bugs are great at showing side lighting because they are vertically flat, thus clearly having two separate sides. This shot looks like he is cleaning himself or having an afternoon snack (on my hand...)

Soft Lighting
With an overcast day, light was distributed through the window equally. That was a call for the silk flowers to come out and do some modeling for me.
Just for Fun
This one wasn't chosen for any of the lighting experiments but I still thought it was a great shot for the Finale of the Leaf Bug. If I hadn't put the bug there, I never would have noticed it there.


  1. I really like the hard lighting. It really brings out the leaf bug. I love how far you can see past it, and how it is all lit up. I also like how you can see every bump of the asphalt.

  2. I really like the soft lighting photo you took. I love how its focused on that main part of the flowers in the front, also how you can see almost every little detail of the flowers.

  3. My favorite is the dusk lighting, but I absolutely love it all! The lighting styles speak in so many levels and you can just see what mood they were suppose to portray. You have a good eye.
