Wednesday, October 9, 2013

B&W Photography

 This photo is definitely better because it is colorless. With the colors, the picture would be too busy and very distracting. The color of the background would take away focus from the subject- the button. I like this one because the fact that the background is busy makes it so the one simple thing stands out. 
 This photo is better in black and white for the same reasons as the first one. This one also gives off a feeling of aging. The picture itself seems old (just in really high quality). If this were in color, we would focus on each individual house and the colors. Black and white makes us see more of the scene itself.
 This is going for more of the rustic look. The B&W enhances the aged and distressed look of the photo. If the colors were shown, the whole emotion in the picture would be lost. It would simply be a picture of a lantern. Now it looks like an abstract and well-thought-out emotional shot.
 I think this is better with no color for one main reason: It looks pretty ugly with color. The sun comes through at an awkward color and it fades the detail. Without color, we can focus on the repetition and the balance offset with the chords hanging at different heights. 
This was my first real attempt at night photography. This shot could have worked in color and for some uses it might be better in color. However, I did not like the color of the sky so I like it better in B&W. I like my skies to be the color they really look. Either blue or black. No orange. All of these night shots will count as my fifth picture. I wanted to show them all. This is when I noticed the streak in the sky. When I first saw it show up on my camera screen, I thought maybe I somehow caught a meteor. Nope. Just an airplane.
 I decided to experiment with the streak in the sky. No, I was not experimenting with moving the camera. Tripods usually work but this time I accidentally moved it down when I opened the shutter. It looked neat so I just ran with it. From here I changed my experimental focus.
 This is a pretty basic shot. Not much different from the ones above. I still liked it.
 Major experimenting here. I panned the camera from side to side a few times while the shutter was open. One thing I notices that you can't really tell without color is that the trees at the bottom of the picture and a few other things didn't get motion blur. In fact, they were in complete focus. However, all the lights got streaked across the screen. I don't know enough about how cameras work to understand how that happened, but I intend to do more tests to find out why this happens.
This was just another area of the city lights. The lights were a little more densely populated so I wanted a shot of it. 


  1. That's a really cool group of pictures, I especially like the one of the two houses. They have a really cool juxtaposition against the white background. Your night shots are also really cool! They are really interesting.

  2. I really like your picture of the button! You're right, if there was color it'd distract from the button. The only thing I'd change is for the bottom picture. You can't really tell what it is. But other then that I really like them!
    Alex Bennett

  3. I really like your picture of the blinds!! I totally agree that it does look much better in black and white. Great job on ALL of your photos(:

  4. My favorite is the one with the houses! But they all look amazing and they really stand out!

  5. I love the candle holder and the houses. :D I think you did an excellent job of making ordinary subjects awesome! I really don't know what to point out to help you with. I guess my only suggestion is to watch out for those airplanes.:D

  6. I really like how you just went with it when you realized you moved the camera during your long exposure - sometimes the best photos happen when we just go with it and see what happens. I love the blinds picture - the lines are so strong and crisp.
