Saturday, September 14, 2013

2nd Photography Class Scavenger Hunt!

Here it goes for the second group of pictures from Photography Class!

 A fire hydrant.
 A person walking (I decided not to creep out any neighbors and take pictures of them walking so I just took a picture of me walking. Oh my large hobbit feet :))
 Some hands (or hand)
 An animal. I am surprised I was able to get this close.
 A church. This was difficult to line up the steeple with the sun in the back. It payed off, though!
 A school.
 A playground.
 An egg (or a few).
 A doll (I prefer to call it a figurine).
 Something old. Yes, it is a calculator. You may be wondering how it's old. It's old to me. It's one old calculator.
 A reflection. (do not be deceived. It may look like a lake, but it's actually just a puddle in the runoff to the storm drain. Okay, it doesn't look like a lake. It looks like a puddle.)
 Someone dressed up in a costume. Perfect timing with the Salt Lake Comic Con. That was a fun event. I got to see people like this in their costumes that probably took 30 years to make.
 A flag. (I would call it a flag at least)
 A musical instrument. You all know what it is.
 A toy (or a few). Yeah, I'm still a lego fan and I'm proud of it.
A button. Or a key. Whatever you want to call it.


  1. These are very impressive! I love your use of lines and interesting compositions. I find your photos unique and the color and subjects are very crisp.

    1. Thanks! I know a photographer should have a variety of different looks for pictures but I also think it is important to (in a way) leave a signature on each photo with a unique and signature style.
