Sunday, September 29, 2013

Camera Modes

 Macro- This setting is great for close-up shots of small features. It has great detail and it's my favorite setting on the camera.
 Landscape- This works for landscapes mostly because of the amount of image it fits into the frame. This in addition to the lighting settings it changes makes it great for landscapes.
 Effects- I almost never use this setting on the camera. However, in theory, there are some neat effects. I say these in theory because they are only cool if they work. This effect was a color filter. As you can see, it worked to some degree.
 No Flash- Whenever I take pictures, I never use my flash. I never use this setting because I can turn the flash off while still using other settings (or by holding it down). However, it is nice if you want a picture to look more natural and compensate for the lack of light by having the shutter open longer.

 Portrait- I am not a fan of this setting, and I don't see much benefit from it. I tend to like the looks better on different settings. Really, I see nothing that it does that I happen to like just for portraits.
 Sports- This is a great feature to have. It lets you hold down the button and it takes pictures in rapid-fire. This combined with the fast shutter speed makes for less blur and a crisper image when someone is moving.
Indoor- This one is pretty straight-forward. It changes the settings to allow more light to compensate for the lack of light when indoors. I use this setting only occasionally because I use other settings that I still prefer indoors over the setting meant for indoors.

Friday, September 27, 2013


So here are some photos I got of the freak snow we just got. It was pretty random.
Close-up of a snowball.
All over our hand-railing too!
I couldn't resist...

This gives you a good idea on how hard it was coming down. It only lasted a few minutes, though. Then the sun came out and you never would have known that it snowed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


This message is to inform you that the blog is currently going under a number of changes in its construction. This is  process that takes time. Many elements take many trials and errors to look right. If anything looks off, it is only temporary. The blog will be up and running again soon! This does not mean the blog is off limits. Feel free to view at any time. Just ignore the reconstruction.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

2nd Photography Class Scavenger Hunt!

Here it goes for the second group of pictures from Photography Class!

 A fire hydrant.
 A person walking (I decided not to creep out any neighbors and take pictures of them walking so I just took a picture of me walking. Oh my large hobbit feet :))
 Some hands (or hand)
 An animal. I am surprised I was able to get this close.
 A church. This was difficult to line up the steeple with the sun in the back. It payed off, though!
 A school.
 A playground.
 An egg (or a few).
 A doll (I prefer to call it a figurine).
 Something old. Yes, it is a calculator. You may be wondering how it's old. It's old to me. It's one old calculator.
 A reflection. (do not be deceived. It may look like a lake, but it's actually just a puddle in the runoff to the storm drain. Okay, it doesn't look like a lake. It looks like a puddle.)
 Someone dressed up in a costume. Perfect timing with the Salt Lake Comic Con. That was a fun event. I got to see people like this in their costumes that probably took 30 years to make.
 A flag. (I would call it a flag at least)
 A musical instrument. You all know what it is.
 A toy (or a few). Yeah, I'm still a lego fan and I'm proud of it.
A button. Or a key. Whatever you want to call it.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hey everyone! So, I haven't posted in a long time. I am now officially rebooting this site. I will be putting pictures for my photography class here! Here's the first little bit!

 Car #1- The tail light of a car
 Car #2- A drawing that I made of a car. This is not a real car (I wish it was). It's just a concept car I came up with.
 People #1- This is my new niece :) It's a picture of a picture, obviously.
 Flower #1- I thought this one had great contrast with vibrant colors so I had to choose it.
 People #2- Mí padre
 Flower #3- Yes, I know. I have three flowers. I just thought this one was too neat to NOT share to the world. I didn't notice until editing that I got a bee in there!
 Tree #1- I found this when on a hike.
 Building #1- A little building by a ski resort.
 Flower #2- I don't know how number 3 came before 2 but oh well. I just liked this one.
 Tree #2- While on the hike, I came across many a tree. This is one of them.
Building #2- (yes, the rows of pixels were intentional) I wanted to get some pixels shooting across this picture of a picture.