Monday, November 25, 2013

Action Photography

So, here's some action photography that I did for my class
This one was being a pain. I wanted to get the coin rolling down the railing but the camera refused to continuously shoot unless it was actually in the frame. I got my hand letting it go instead.
Spinning the coin on the counter.
This one makes the coin look old and misshapen. I like it.
Me rolling the coin on the counter. This worked better.
Just the coin rolling with the colors.
Faucet with a perfect stream.
If you pay attention, you can notice that I caught the beginning of the stream. 
Yum. Root Beer.
Me pretending to make cookies.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Business Card

So, for my graphic design class, we were supposed to make a logo and then add that logo to a business card. I thought it turned out pretty well. I came up with the name and design. Completely original. I think I might try to make one with color as well. Keep your eye out for it. (Note: I just made up the address. It may exist and it may not. Just don't be sending any letters there or the people will be fairly confused)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Charlotte+Super Cute Hat

So, my niece has been at my house for about a week. I decided to have a mini photoshoot. I included both color and the B&W. I would recommend clicking on the first one to open the Lightbox to view them easier.

Easy. Breezy. Beautiful. Covergirl.

I love the hat!

I bet she's thinking "#selfie #nofilter #nomakeup"

She looks like she has a Buddha smile :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Patterns, Lines, Framing, and Texture

 Leading Lines- The frame holding the glass in makes lines that point toward the center.
 Framing- The hexagonal structure makes a frame around the bulb.
 Framing- The poles make a border around the bush, thus creating a frame.
 Leading Lines- The lines on the pillars lead your eyes up to where they all join.
 Pattern- The railing has bar after bar after bar after ba. This creates repetition and a pattern.
 Texture- Stucco literally is called a texture.  
 Texture- More texture but this time on my front door. The paint gave this look.
Pattern- Repetition. That's all it is. Repetition creates a pattern.