Friday, January 17, 2014

Still-Life Photography

 This one, I love how it's just simply an apple. All focus goes to the apple.
 For this one, I moved the light source directly behind to give it a celestial feeling. Makes it look like it's being sent from heaven.
 Rule of thirds here. This would do better as a desktop picture.
 Once again, placing the apple to the side of the picture. You can really see the detail and the red just pops on the white background.
This was going for more of the macro feel. I wanted to get really close to show lots of detail.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Photo Essay: Back to the Future - Marty McFly in an Alternate Universe

So, I put this together. It's in a slideshow format so its easier to view and get the emotional effect. I think the story should be easy to follow without any text. It's simply a retelling of the story of how Marty and the Professor met. However, this story doesn't have much interaction between the two of them afterward. They simply meet and go their separate ways. Like I said, you should understand the story. Pay attention to the lighting in some of the pictures. In the movie, whenever the Delorean travels through time, we see a big flash of light. If you pay attention, you will notice the exposure suddenly change for one picture. That's just a hint as to what comes next. Enjoy!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Here's a fairly recent assignment that I liked. I think it turned out great. It makes me laugh every time I see it. It's an album cover. I went for more of a country look.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

David Hockney Art

Using the style of David Hockney, I put together this. I figured, what better spot to make the image of than my workspace?